Building your family
Welcome to Building Your Family, the only expert-guided community platform designed for parents and parents-to-be using reproductive medicine to build their families. We provide unique strategies to help make your path to parenthood smoother and more informed—empowering you to navigate the critical decisions that shape your family’s future. At Building Your Family, we’ve already helped thousands of people navigate the complexities of family building and parenting with confidence. Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge and strategies to make these life-changing decisions with greater clarity, resulting in better outcomes and fewer regrets. We understand that many of the decisions you make along this journey can’t be undone, and that’s why our approach is all about offering you practical, actionable steps that you can start applying right now. Our educational components are tailored to help you think differently, make more informed choices, and take control of your experience—from fertility treatments to parenting strategies. Whether you’re just starting out or already deep into your journey, Building Your Family is here to guide you with expert advice, specialized education, stress-reduction strategies, and the community support you need to make the best choices for you and your family. For more information, sign up for our newsletter, you will be able to stay up to date with the episodes, get information about our programs and most of all join our warm community. And follow us on social.// Monthly email: Watch the podcast on YouTube Follow along on Instagram
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Stress reduction techniques for family building
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
In this episode, you will get a sneak peek into a part of my book that is helpful for everyone, stress reduction. At the end of my upcoming book, Building Your Family, The Complete Guide to Donor Conception, I share helpful ways to think about stress reduction. You can pre-order the book here,,
Family building is often difficult, especially when you need assistance. Reducing your stress is the best way to reach clarity on the decisions you'll need to make, manage the rollercoaster of the process, and the accompanying emotions, and to maintain strong connections with the people who matter most to you. In this week’s podcast, I will give you an abbreviated version of how to plan out your stress reduction strategies based on your current situation. We often try strategies that are popular, seem easy or appealing in some way, or we take guidance from friends and family. While this may sometimes lead to good outcomes, finding the best way to manage stress may necessitate using a variety of techniques, or trying things in a different way. This video is pretty short so it wont take long to check it out. It may help you manage your stress so that you can achieve any goal that is important to you.
And, as always, feel free to reach out to me. I am here for you.
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Author: Building Your Family; The Complete Guide to Donor Conception
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Sunday Nov 05, 2023
I was a single mom by choice
Sunday Nov 05, 2023
Sunday Nov 05, 2023
Kat Curtin is the incoming President for Single Mother's By Choice. She has big shoes to fill, but she will fill those shoes perfectly because Kat understands the journey personally and professionally. She runs a coaching practice, and has been a member of Single Mother's by Choice for years. In her own life, she has undergone every kind of treatment you can imagine, including surrogacy and donor conception. She has suffered through loss and has had to work multiple jobs to pay for her treatment. Now she is the happy mom of a beautiful little girl.
Why do I say Kat "was" a single mom? Because she is now happy in a committed relationship. She can dispel lots of myths about men not being interested in women who have children who were created with donor sperm, or that it's impossible to date when one has a toddler.
Kat has been thorough a lot, but she will tell you why it is all worth it. So, if you are considering single parenthood, know someone who is considering single parenthood, or just need some inspiration for your journey, this will be a great episode for you.
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Author: Building Your Family; The Complete Guide to Donor Conception
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Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Genetic counselor helps you be your own advocate
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Amber Gamma is the lead genetic counselor for IVI RMA and the incoming Chair for the Genetics Professional Group of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. She is the perfect person to tell us how to understand genetics when using donor conception to have a child.
There is so much to know, and so much you can do to increase the odds of having a healthy child. Amber walks us through many issues to consider when using donor conception to build your family. Here are a few:
• What to do when your clinic does not have an in-house genetic counselor• How to understand dominant and recessive carrier screening• The importance of weighing genetic risk with a known donor• Information to consider when you are matching your genetics with your donors’ genetics• Why it is helpful to continue to attempt to get medical information from your donor or related relatives over time
To learn about these subjects, and more, tune into this episode. Whether you are choosing a donor, or have already used donor conception to build your family, you will be glad you did.
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Author: Building Your Family; The Complete Guide to Donor Conception
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Sunday Oct 22, 2023
A close look into donor screening before testing
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
I have known Dee Svedberg for decades, so I can tell you that she's smart, thoughtful, and truly cares about the well-being of each patient and donor. She attends industry meetings, even when she doesn't need to go, and always tries to make the donor conception experience better for the donor and recipient while also maintaining FDA and ASRM guidelines and requirements. Not an easy feat. That is why I thought she'd be a perfect guest for the show.
If you are considering donor conception, it's important to go to a reliable source. The process necessitates that the basic rules are followed but there is so much that is also left up to each professional’s discretion.
Our doctors should be kind, thoughtful, ethical, forward thinking, skilled and experienced, right? Yet, a doctor who is only thoughtful about his work, and skilled enough to become licensed, can become a doctor. In previous episodes, I have stressed that you should look for all of these qualities in your therapist and lawyer as well. In this episode, you will hear from an excellent professional who possesses all of these qualities.
Dee will take you through her process, from the moment a donor first contacts the clinic through the egg retrieval. She will share the issues she considers when donors want to be candidates, but may not be the best donors. She will talk about the FDA requirements and why we have them, and how she shepherds the donor through the process, with multiple appointments, procedures and professionals, and holds her hand every step of the way.
For any of you who are not familiar with this process, you will find it fascinating. If you happen to be choosing a donor, having greater knowledge about the screening process will give you reassurance that more than you may know goes into screening. Hearing Dee share her experiences may also help you feel more connected to the process your donor will undergo.
I hope you find this episode helpful and, of course, feel free to reach out any time. I am here to make your journey easier. Xo
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Author: Building Your Family; The Complete Guide to Donor Conception
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Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Embryo donor and embryo donation advocate shares her story
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Jen Vesbit was a guest on the show previously to discuss Empower with Moxi. Empower is comprised of a group of three women who have all been embryo donors or have donated embryos themselves. They decided years ago that in addition to their families and current jobs, they wanted to help others build their families with the assistance of embryo donation. From the time I met them years ago at the annual conference for the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, I knew they were going to do great things, and they have. In addition to their support programs, they have just launched a matching program called, Moxie Matching. You can find them at These three lovely ladies bring their intellect, passion and value system to this one-of-a-kind program. So, what is embryo donation? How do people find each other? What does it feel like to watch a child grow in another family who is a full genetic sibling to your child? How do you maintain a good relationship with the person you donate to, or who donates to you? And what about the kids? There is so much to consider. In this episode we dive into some of these questions and more. I'm confident that you'll be amazed by the answers. Jen shares her story of donating an embryo to a single woman. She tells us why she chose this person, how they created plans for their relationship, and so much more. If you are considering embryo donation, you will want to listen to this episode. It's full of life lessons and new ways to think about donor conception. Enjoy.
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Author: Building Your Family; The Complete Guide to Donor Conception
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Sunday Oct 08, 2023
The Importance of Psychological Screening
Sunday Oct 08, 2023
Sunday Oct 08, 2023
Another podcast about psychological screening? Yes. Why? Because I want you to be fully informed. In a previous episode, we spoke about psychological testing.
We have also met with reproductive endocronologists, and will soon meet with a genetics counselor, so we have covered a lot of donor screening basics. But since mental health is so important and we have never reviewed the whole psychological sceening process, I don't feel you have the whole picture, and you deserve the whole picture so you can make informed choices.
As you may have seen, there have been several cases in the news about children who have mental illness, whose donor had the same mental illness. There is no perfect system, but if you follow the right steps with a seasoned mental health professional, you can give yourself the best possible chance to reduce the risk of your child ineriting a mental illness.
Many people are in a rush to get pregnant and want to skip over the screening process, or choose a therapist by their fee rather than their experience. Choosing a donor is a lifetime decision that you can not unwind later. Find a seasoned professional who has been appropriately trained, and get all of the screening completed before you move forward with your donor.
Your donor may feel like “the right one”, or have the right background or looks to fit nicely into your family, but these problems can be life changing for everyone.
In my upcoming book, Building Your Family: The Complete Guide to Donor Conception, detailed steps are explained in a progressive fashion. You can pre-order here:
I also discuss this process in my Donor Conception Masterclass which can be found on my website,
In this episode I outline the mental health screening process so you will know what to ask for from your bank, clinic or agency.
I hope this episode is helpful. Please feel free to reach out to me any time.
I am here to make your journey easier.
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Author: Building Your Family; The Complete Guide to Donor Conception
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Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Hurt and healing with the Donor Conceived Queen
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
This week, Stef Koza, also known as The Donor Conceived Queen, on Instagram, shares her difficult story. On our podcast we feature a lot of uplifting stories. This is not one of those stories, but it is a good story to tell because Stef shows us how secrets, untruths and the refusal to support a child can lead to significant pain.
Stef has had many traumatic experiences, including sexual assault, and yet she has managed to build a life for herself and her family. She now speaks out about assault, family struggles and donor conception disclosure issues.
As a child, Stef said she always knew she was donor conceived and yet her parents denied it for years. They were embarrassed and ashamed and were not able to be honest with Stef and were unable to put away their religious beliefs in order to have a relationship with their daughter.
Stef created her Instagram profile to share her truths and help others who were denied theirs. She shares all of this and more on this podcast.
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Author: Building Your Family; The Complete Guide to Donor Conception
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Sunday Sep 24, 2023
Ms. England and egg donor
Sunday Sep 24, 2023
Sunday Sep 24, 2023
Charlotte Holmes is a yoga instructor, former model, Ms. England, and…. an egg donor! She donated in the UK, no less, where there is no significant compensation. Donors are compensated for basic expenses only.
But this lovely person has a beautiful story to share. She donated to help a couple or individual have children because she never wanted children of her own. And that’s not all. Charlotte wanted to heal her feelings about not giving great grandchildren to her grandmother (who has now passed) and to give back to the world, since she will not be doing so with children of her own.
It’s an incredible story and I think you will find this lovely woman as beautiful in the inside as she is on the outside.
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Author: Building Your Family; The Complete Guide to Donor Conception
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Sunday Sep 17, 2023
Donor Conceived Person feels great about her family and discovery
Sunday Sep 17, 2023
Sunday Sep 17, 2023
Anna is a lawyer, a bioethicist, and a donor conceived person. In this episode, she shares how these different roles and her Jewish identity, and current perspectives are all intertwined in how she perceives her origins as well as how she feels about her family, her donor and her donor siblings. Anna discusses the bioethics concept of retrospective moral judgment and what it means to her personally. She also talks about other donor conceived people and donor recipients she has spoken with, and what she shares with them. Anna is thoughtful, and has a very warm heart, qualities that certainly help her be so good at her profession as well as a mother, partner and daughter. I really enjoyed meeting with Anna and I think you will too. Xo
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Author: Building Your Family; The Complete Guide to Donor Conception
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Sunday Sep 10, 2023
Dr. Brauer helps patients by starting with the end in mind.
Sunday Sep 10, 2023
Sunday Sep 10, 2023
In this weeks podcast, Dr. Anate Brauer shows us how she helps her patients by having them focus on their end goal, and then working their way backwards. She understands how difficult the fertility process can be, and how often people become confused or stressed, and may not think through all of their family building goals on their first appointment. That's why Dr. Brauer helps people by having them begin by visualizing their future family.
This is only one of the insightful ideas you will hear Dr. Brauer share in this episode. As the IVF Director at Shady Grove Fertility in NYC, she leads her team in a compassionate and thoughtful manner, and provides state of the art treatment for all of her patients.
Dr. Brauer has published multiple papers and lectures on all aspects of fertility treatment. She is also involved in many professional organizations and cancer survivor’s programs.
In this podcast, you will see how Dr. Brauer uses her sharp mind and warm heart to help her patients have the best journey possible on the road to building the family of their dreams.
If you are interested in any of the topics discussed in this episode...
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Author: Building Your Family; The Complete Guide to Donor Conception
Follow me here:Instagram:
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About Lisa
As an author, researcher, licensed mental health professional and an expert in donor conception, Lisa Schuman is passionate about helping people on their donor conception journeys. After decades of work on staff at some of the world’s best fertility clinics, running workshops for donor conceived children and meeting with thousands of donors and recipients, she has had the opportunity to help so many people find an easier path to parenthood.
She began her podcast to help people on a larger scale. Lisa and her guests will
will share the tools and truths they have learned and help you get the information you need to have a better path to parenthood or manage tough parenting issues.
Lisa has personally struggled with almost every type of fertility treatment and has committed her career to helping others avoid regret, manage stress and find better ways to build the families of their dreams. There is so much to know and it is all too important to leave up to chance.
Donor Conception Conversations is the one podcast devoted to people who have used, or are considering using donor conception to build their family. You are not alone. We are here to provide information, support and maybe even entertain bit along the way.
To learn more about Lisa or to find more resources check out